Enjoy the Online Education and Professional Development Series
For a limited time enjoy these 28 Sessions included in GardenComm's Fall 2022 Virtual Conference for $149
A must for international green industry communicators and communications professionals.
What you’ll get in this series:
26 educational programs to help build your business and enhance your professional skills
- 2 Spanish panel sessions
- Learn tips from expert panels of PR reps, influencers, and podcasters
- Additional bonus recordings that include GardenComm business meetings, Story Slam, Awards & Honors and more.
Register today for $149 and access these recordings on your schedule, 24/7.

Climate Resilient Gardens – Options and Solutions - presented by Debra Knapke
Climate Change is here, and our gardens are microcosms of what is happening around the world. What is our path for ensuring that our gardens can be resilient in this time of change, and how can we relay this to our listeners and readers? This session will offer ideas, practices and techniques for creating resilient gardens and landscapes.

Something Wicked This Way Comes - presented by Margery Daughtrey
Plant Diseases, How to Identify and control with emphasis on non-chemical methods. A lighthearted but science-based session for everyone from newbie to the seasoned gardener. Attendees will learn about plant diseases, including problems for annuals, veggies, perennials, shrubs and trees. Enhance your knowledge of plant diseases, and learn how to share this information with the public.

Marketing Magic for Freelance Garden Writers - presented by Ruth E. Thaler-Carter
This session will provide practical, effective tips for growing your garden-writing business from a long-time, award-winning freelance writer. Learn about types of projects that can be the basis of a business; getting experience; finding outlets, audiences, readers and clients; avoiding scams; and more. Whether you want to write books or articles, fiction or nonfiction, this session will give your garden writing — or editing, proofreading, photography, illustration, etc. — business the roots it needs for success and enhancement.

An Immersive Experience in Horticultural Videography - presented by Adriana Robinson
From simple plant features to drone footage, the world of video and its importance to our industry, and marketing in general, is rapidly expanding. Learn what Adriana sees on the horizon for video, what she thinks will be the next big things, and how you can prepare to meet that challenge. Learn what kinds of videos are the consistently most watched, and how to create them. Discover techniques that can change up your visual presentations, making your slate of videos an ever-changing info-buffet for your viewers, while maintaining the continuity of your brand. Hear about the equipment used at Spring Meadow Nursery, and some must-haves to create quality pieces. See the Friendship Garden video, mentioned in the presentation.

Sustainability Isn't Scary! Using the Power of Your Platform to Lure People to the Greener Side - presented by Amy Mullen
In this session, we'll talk about how to communicate about sustainability with those who are skeptical, dismissive, or feel overwhelmed by climate change. Hear about identifying pain points for homeowners and learn earth-friendly strategies for solving common problems. Find specific strategies for persuading people to take a green approach. Discover messaging for all types of gardeners, whether they are motivated by saving money, reducing work in the garden, building community, or trying to make a difference.

Underground Information: The Rhizophagy Cycle and Endophytic Bacteria - presented by Jeff Lowenfels
Hear the latest dirt about the soil food web works. Learn how and why plants develop root hairs...and it isn’t to obtain nutrients! Discover what the future has in store for using biologics instead of synthetics in fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Find out about the Rhizophagy cycle and why it is important for helping plants thrive and survive.

Word Play: How to Write Engaging Headlines and Captions - presented by Teresa Woodard
Powerful headlines count! Without them, your great content will go unnoticed, unread, unliked and unclicked. I'll show you how to turn that around with creative headline tricks I've learned from talented editors. We'll break down the elements of a magnetic headline, explore some winning examples and practice easy tricks for headline writing. Discover steps to writing catchy headlines that will make readers want to read on.

Photos With Thought & Emotion – Going Beyond Cliches - presented by Joe DeSciose
Whether you’re taking photos as a part of your garden center position, or for use in your own freelance communications, you can gain confidence and be more successful with photography tips shared during this presentation. We’ll discuss why some photos make better marketing pieces, and deliver a stronger connection to your work’s purpose, by combining ways to show botanical features and kindle emotional responses to your visual communication. Discover what is meant by “crop with your eyes” to increase focus on the intended strong point of your plant pictures. Learn more about how to share the backstory about your pictures, with inspiration gained by photography judges’ comments and feedback over the past four years. Let’s decipher the real story you want to tell with your nature, landscape and flower photos.

Soil Fungi as Biofertilizers for Houseplants - presented by Sarah Emery
Hear about on-going research with soil microbes called arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). While there are many commercial products that use AMF as biofertilizers, almost nothing is known about the potential for AMF to benefit foliage plants. Hear about the positive effects Professor Emery’s studies have shown on foliage plants including Aglaonemas, Sedums, and Coleus. Learn how AMF may help reduce plant maintenance costs, minimize the need for synthetic fertilizers, and improve plant owner experience.

New Plant Introductions - Direct from the Breeders - presented by Diane Blazek
Grab the beverage of your choice and sit back and come ready to be wowed by all the cool new stuff! National Garden Bureau's members represent the majority of North American breeding companies. In this session, Executive Director Diane Blazek brings you the newest of the new plants these breeders are introducing for the 2023 garden season. Be some of the first garden communicators to experience the excitement! Discover the new plant breeding trends and new varieties that result from those trends. This one-stop-shop can provide you with content and story-starter ideas for an entire year.

Roadmap to Plant Introductions - presented by Ryan McEnaney and David Roberts
Journey with the Bailey Marketing and Communications Manager, and Bailey Innovations Manager/Head Breeder as they map out the process of bringing new plants from conception to introduction. Walk a step-by-step journey on how the Bailey team forecasts demands, decides what characteristics to breed for, what the breeding process looks like, how new plants are trialed and tested, what goes into marketing a new plant, and finally, what happens once a new plant is introduced. Attendees will leave with an all-encompassing understanding of what it takes to bring truly different and better plants to market.

Show Me the Money! Increase Revenue From Online Content -presented by Nan Sterman and Noelle Johnson
In this presentation, veteran garden communicators Noelle Johnson and Nan Sterman share a three-pronged approach they have used to re-envision their businesses to better meet audience needs and create new revenue streams. Learn how to use/repurpose your knowledge and expertise to create digital products to meet audience needs/interests. See models for “knowledge products” to sell to audiences. Discover marketing strategies for reaching audiences. Hear about real-time examples of successful products, along with platforms used for their development.

How Gardens Heal and Other Recent Trends in Youth Gardening - presented by Em Shipman
Hear about youth garden trends throughout the last 2 years, including the use of gardens to bring communities together and empower youth to use these as a force for good. Explore stories from across the country from schools, community gardens, families, and more. Attendees will learn how to share the critical importance of youth gardening programs in their communities as a way to heal, learn, and grow. Em will share strategies and ideas for blog topics, social media campaigns, and overall messaging to this key audience.

Panel Discussion - Social Media
Learn about maximizing and expanding your presence on social media from those who have experiences with various platforms.Panelists:
Raffaele Di Lallo @ohiotropics
Kim Roman @yourindoorfoodgarden
Ashlie Thomas @the.mocha.gardener
Moderator: C.L. Fornari

Panel Discussion - Marketing
Discover how to better promote your company, book or brand from these three marketing experts.Panelists:
Katie Elzer-Peters - The Garden of Words
LaManda Joy - City Grange/ Great Grow Along
Julie Joyce - GreenID Marketing
Moderator: Noelle Johnson

Panel Discussion - How To Pitch Panel
Whether you’re putting forth a proposal for a book, article, radio, TV or other outlet, learn how to craft a successful pitch.Panelists:
Shelley Carr - Fox Chapel Publishing
Hannah Agran - Midwest Living & Meredith Travel
Melissa Foxx - iHeart Radio
Moderator: Denise Schreiber

Siembra Tú Propio Campo de Oportunidades | Growing Your Own Field of Opportunities - panel discussion led by Eduardo Barba Gómez
Durante su intervención en la convención virtual de GardenComms, los miembros e invitados podrán conocer de primera mano la cultura y el interés hortícola en España; oportunidades de especialización en comunicación de jardines; y qué nuevas puertas se han abierto en el campo de la horticultura y la comunicación
Learn first-hand about the culture and horticultural interest in Spain; opportunities for specialization in garden communication; and what new doors have been opened in the field of horticulture and communication.

Personal Branding: Standing Out From The Crowd - presented by Helen Battersby
Understand what a personal brand is and why it's important for all communicators. We'll look at how to map out your territory in a way that matters to your audience, and see how that works in a few case studies. Learn the difference between a logo and a personal brand. Hear how to narrow down all activities into a targeted brand message. Hear about guidelines for ensuring that your personal brand is authentic and meaningful. Discover how to stand out from the competition in ways that stick with your intended audience.

Travel and Garden writing For Professionals - presented by Patterson Webster
Garden tourism is a growing business and the market for garden travel writing is growing along with it. So is the audience for speakers able to share their garden visits with others who dream of garden travel. Enlarge your market and learn the tips and tools you need to make each garden visit benefit you professionally. Discover how to get the most out of garden visits, for writing and speaking engagements. Help readers and listeners absorb a sense of gardens as a whole; convince audiences that this is a destination they need to visit; use photographs to do more than illustrate the garden. Visit her website How to "See" a Garden

Virtual Garden Tours - presented by Jana Milbocker

Lessons From A Green Roof – Creating Habitats for Pollinators - presented by Louise Clarke
Find out how green roof habitat can replace areas lost to human development of land. Attendees will learn insect/plant interactions, insect habitat requirements, and construction techniques for habitat amendments. This presentation details a green roof habitat creation project in southeastern Pennsylvania that included late blooming native plants for pollen and nectar, an engineered seep for water retention, sand bank for burrowing insects, solitary bee nesting logs, and log and bark habitat to attract beetles. Target insect species as well as the plants used to entice them will be detailed. Ways to replicate these features in ground-level gardens will be explained.

Translating Trends: Content Creator Tips for Taking 2023 Trends from Buzz to Blogosphere… and Beyond! - presented by Becky Paxton
Join Garden Media Group and gardener/social media content creator Laura Boissonnault of “How’s It Growing?” and Corrina Murray, Plant Development Services Inc. as we present the 2023 Garden Trends Report through the lens of content creation and planning for writers. Attendees will take a deep dive into the top takeaways beneath the trends: what are the plants, platforms, and perspectives you should know going into 2023? Glean tips for optimizing content by social platform, as well as which platforms you should have on your radar for content creation in the coming year. Learn how to translate the 2023 trends into topics that speak to your audience, convert them into social media content.

Florece la variedad de narrativas sobre jardinería en medios y redes sociale | A Variety of Gardening Narratives Blooms in the Media Landscape - panel discussion led by Perla Sofia Curbelo
Durante este panel interactivo, los miembros de GardenComm tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a nuevos colegas de diversos orígenes cuyo trabajo es inspirador y está impulsando a las audiencias de habla hispana a dedicarse más a la jardinería. También compartirán sus procesos de creación de contenido en diferentes plataformas de medios; su experiencia construyendo comunidad; y su relación con las marcas.
Attendees will have the opportunity to meet new colleagues from diverse backgrounds whose work is inspiring and is driving Spanish-Speaking audiences to garden more. They will also share their content creation processes on different media platforms; their experience building community; and their relationship with brands.
Angie & Ambrose Salazar
Cecilia Viteri
Nicolas Diaz
Victoria Sanchez

It All Starts With GardenComm - Panel Discussion
Joe Lamp'l Hosts
Joe Lamp'l, active GardenComm member and television host of PBS' Growing a Greener World, leads a panel discussion on who GardenComm is and its place in the green industry. As professional communicators who share what's going on in the industry, we'll look at ways our members have benefited from the connections they have made and bring this information to their audiences. Member panelists include; Debra Prinzing, publisher, author and podcast host, Sean and Allison McManus, authors and digital content creators, Noelle Johnson, author and digital educator, Shannon Downey of Proven Winners® ColorChoice® and Jessica Reinhardt of Dramm

Pollinators and Native Plant Research
Michael Martin, PhD - Horticultural Research Institute
This is an exploration of native plant and pollinator research sponsored by HRI and the impact and implications of their findings.The Horticultural Research Institute, part of the AmericanHort Foundation, has a long and rich heritage, bookmarked by key decisions that influenced the shape of our organization today. The Horticultural Research Institute was established on September 19, 1962 to support and promote horticultural research that benefits the horticultural industry.

Climate Change, Urban Forests, and Arboriculture: Impacts and Solutions
Daniel Herms, PhD - Davey Tree
Earth has warmed sharply in recent decades with impacts on tree growth and stress, pest pressure, urban heat, drought and wildfire, storm water runoff, and worker safety that are readily apparent. This presentation will review these intensifying impacts of climate change, projected impacts of future warming, potential for trees to mitigate the impacts of climate change, and selecting trees for future climates.

Regenerative Agriculture in Today's Gardens & Landscapes
Dinesh Panday, PhD - Rodale Institute
Soil health is intrinsically linked to the total health of our food system. Soil health affects everything from plant health to human wellbeing and the future of our planet. Regenerative prioritizes soil health while simultaneously encompassing high standards for animal welfare and worker fairness. The idea is to create farm systems that work in harmony with nature to improve quality of life for every creature involved.

How Climate Change Transforms Your Landscape
Richard Restuccia - JAIN Irrigation
Water shortages may be catastrophic for horticulture and agriculture. With climate change happening at an unprecedented rate, it will continue to produce more extreme weather that will have an enormous impact on the industry. Landscapes need water to survive, and climate change is making it harder to get all the water you need at an affordable price. However, water is already complex enough without adding climate change and drought.